Meet Faith! Faith is 15 years old. She loves broccoli and Littlest Pet Shop (LPS) toys. Her favorite part about the Field of Dreams is the platform swing. Once thing she would like people to know about the special needs community is to please be kind to everyone.
Meet Theo! Theo is 2 years old and a cancer survivor. He loves his big brother, his oncology nurses at CHOP, and Yaz from Camp Cretaceous. Theo’s favorite parts of the Field of Dreams are the basket swings and quiet spaces. One thing Theo and his parents would like everyone to know is that Theo loves the same things other kids love, but he takes a little bit longer to get used to things and may have to approach them in a different way. He and his family appreciate having a playground that embraces the special needs community.
Meet Carli! She is 7 years old. A fun fact about Carli is that she was once in a Stride Rite advertisement. Carli’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the zipline.
Meet Aniyia! Aniyia is 19 years old. She loves the color pink and meeting new friends. Aniyia’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the bucket swing, just like Faith and Theo!
Meet Lindsey! Lindsey is 38 years old. A fun fact about Lindsey is that she can figure out how to make a craft out of almost anything. Her favorite part of the Field of Dreams is that when she visits, she isn’t judged and that all of the people she meets are so nice. One thing she would like everyone to know about the special needs community is that they are just people with different abilities, not disabilities.
Meet Emily! Emily is 23 years old. A fun fact about Emily is that she has a big collection of Reborn baby dolls. She takes care of each one and is very gentle with them. It’s the closest thing to her being able to be a mom. Emily’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the swing! It’s all she wants to do whenever she visits. Emily is so happy that she has a safe space to go and not be judged. She is also looking forward to meeting some new friends!
Meet Erin! Erin is 16 years old. (Erin celebrated her Sweet 16 last month here at the Field of Dreams!) A fun fact about Erin is that she loves music. The louder and more base the better! Erin’s infectious smile and laugh when listening to music makes everyone around her happy. Erin’s favorite part about the Field of Dreams is… well, everything! She loves being outside, going on the swings, playing with the instruments, and having an accessible place to meet with friends. She especially loves joining the music groups with Ms. Jackie and going on the zip line. One thing Erin would like everyone to know about the special needs community is that although some of us can’t use our voice to communicate, if you watch closely we find other ways, like our actions and expressions, to communicate.
Meet Lauren! She is 16 years old, and loves dancing and performing with her dance class. She also enjoys bowling for the Special Olympics (how cool is that?!) and playing Roblox with her sister. Lauren’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is climbing the rope wall and going down the bumpy slide. One thing Lauren wants everyone to know if you just give her a chance to do it herself, she can do it and will do it in her own time.
Meet Xavier! He is 9 years old and has cerebral palsy. He loves to tell jokes, play Roblox, and play the drums. His favorite part of the Field of Dreams are swings because they are relaxing and very comfortable. One thing he wants everyone to know is that there is nothing he can’t do, it just may take him longer and be a bit difficult but he tries his best all of the time. Xavier and his family traveled 2.5 hours to visit the park, but it was so worth it! They are so excited to see a playground that encourages outdoor play and physical activities for children with disabilities.
Meet Ryan! He is 4 years old and has cerebral palsy. He loves to listen to music and play with his brother Xavier. Ryan’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the zipline. Ryan is very active, energetic, and daring. He wants everyone to know that there is nothing you can’t do. He may not run but he can use his walker/wheelchair and still win a race. Ryan and Xavier’s family are very grateful to have a park where children like Ryan can develop their strength and motor skills. So many different activities in this playground help in promoting a child’s development.
Meet Charlotte! She is 4.5 years old and has a twin brother named Lucas. Her favorite song is “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. Charlotte’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the swing, and she especially loves how new and beautiful everything is. She also loves the volunteers! One thing Charlotte wants everyone to know about the special needs community is that it is okay to ask questions!!! Please say hi and include us in everything!!
Meet Kyle! He is 18 years old and loves spending time with his twin brother, Shane, going to the beach, and riding in his dad’s Camaro. Kyle’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the trampoline and the spinning chairs. He just loves visiting the Field!!
Meet Serafina! Her very best friend in the whole world is her service dog, Jersey Girl. Fina loves to listen to country music, swim in the pool, and be outside. She loves being at the Field of Dreams, and her favorite part is going on the swings. Serafina can’t wait to attend more of the fun events at the FOD. Fina has some quotes she would like to share with everyone: “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” “Enjoy the little things, for someday you’ll realize they were big things.”
Meet Gavin! He loves to play the Wii, especially Wii Sports bowling, but he also loves to read books. He is a very proud Silver Bay Seagull! Gavin’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the orange swing. One thing Gavin wants everyone to know is that he would love for people to say hi back to him when he waves.
Meet Tommy! He is 22 years old, and a fun fact about him is that he loves to go tubing off of a boat. Another fun fact about Tommy is that he volunteers with us every week and helps us keep the park clean for everyone to enjoy. His favorite part of the Field of Dreams is going on the swings, and just being a part of the Field of Dreams Community.
Meet Katie! Katie is 16 years old, and she just loves to have fun! Katie’s favorite part of the Field of Dreams is the monkey bars, but the zipline is a close second. She loves the Field of Dreams because it’s great for people in wheelchairs, and is fun for everyone. She encourages everyone to become a member, it’s so worth it!!
Anna Rose